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We’ve Sent A Confirmation Email To Your Inbox…
Be sure to check your email to ACCEPT & CONFIRM your upcoming LIVE demo!
Thank you for scheduling a demo!
I can’t wait for you to see how much of a game changer this software is!
On your demo, please be sure to bring any specific questions you may have as well as be somewhere quiet where you can pay full attention (i.e. not driving) because this is something that can truly transform your business overnight so you’re going want to pay attention, trust me!
Also, I value my team’s time and I’d like to ask you do the same…
So, if you can’t make it please give us a heads up to reschedule! But… you’re not going to want to reschedule this.
In fact, reschedule that other thing instead if you need to!
To your success,
Chris Lewis
Founder | Minute:Pages